‘Reconciled’ was born during a confusing transition into new beginnings. The idea that one way or another, life will slowly place a broader context on singular life experiences whether we are a part of shaping the greater context or not. It is a plea for closure. Yet, at its heart, ‘Reconciled’ is also trying to remind us to trust the process of change which, at times, can feel radical and uncomfortable. Being open to things we don’t fully understand. Allowing time to color in the empty spaces.
‘Reconciled’ was merely an idea in search of a spark. The idea was passive and nearly dormant. This has happened before. Growing attached to an idea, feeling like there is something to say, but not knowing how enter its world. Like Double-Dutch jump roping – you gotta’ find the right timing to jump in. And as it sometimes happens, the spark comes where we least expect it. In this case, the volatility of our modern political discourse was the prompt which allowed me to gain access into the body of the song.
I’d like to thank Dominic Romano for his assistance in engineering the sessions.Dominic works with a gentle honesty and commitment to understanding the full scope of the idea. We brought some sort of wooden palate into the studio and stomped on it together which is something I remember fondly and with humor.It gave us a collaborative and performative buy-in which was something we always find a way to do.